The Bloomer Legacy: 3.13 Just Kidding

Neither Lilah nor Peter were sure if they were ready to become parents, but they decided to leave things up to fate. They would try for a baby one time, and if it works, it’s meant to be.


Apparently it was meant to be, and soon enough, Lilah was sharing the big news with Peter.

Peter: “Oh my gosh, let me go get dad so you can tell him!”


Lilah: “I feel so nauseous… why are we doing this again?”


Isaac: “Peter said you had something to share?”

Lilah: “Yes, we’re expecting!”


Isaac’s chest exploded with pride. Finally an heir to the legacy was on the way! He hugged his daughter-in-law happily.

Isaac: “Oh Lilah, you have no idea how much this much means to me!”


With Lilah’s belly getting bigger and bigger, she opted for a more grown up look. She sure looked like a mommy to be now, feeling like one can’t be far off, surely.


Peter had further happy news: “Lilah! It’s an email from Jaxen! He’s doing great; he says he’s in a town that seems like a fairy tale to him, there’s giant gnomes and castles and a royal family in charge of it all.

He’s made friends with them… woah, the family is huge! They have seven kids! Imagine that! Apparently he formed a crush on the youngest daughter, an athletic girl called Bijou, though they’re just friends for now…”

Lilah: “So glad to hear he’s doing well! He’s come across quite a magical place it seems! You never kno.. Oh wow! The baby is kicking! You’ve got to feel this!”

And that was the moment when Lilah started to feel like a mother.


Pregnancy is exhausting… for both expecting parents, apparently.


The following day, Grim came over for an early morning visit.

Peter: “Please don’t take away my dad Grim, not yet! My wife will give birth any minute now, please let him meet his grandchild!”


Luckily, grim obliged, and Isaac returned to the realm of the living.


Grim: “I’m not unreasonable, if you want more time with your family that’s fine by me! I just thought you wanted to be with your wife…”

Isaac: “I do miss my Ruby! But all in due course Grim, all in due course!”


Not wanting to waste another minute, Isaac ran straight to Lilah to feel her baby. Every moment counts!


Apparently he had a good reason for that, as mere two hours later, he passed away… AGAIN.

We had invited Erica and Daniel over to spend a last few moments with Isaac, but I didn’t quite literally mean his last few moments!


Grim! Have you even left the house?!?

Grim: “Look, I’m being generous here. You said the baby was to be born any minute, and I gave you full two hours! Time is up!”


And this time around, Grim was not open to negotiations. Plummit!


Erica was inconsolable. Daniel was also surprisingly touched by Isaac’s death – the two men did not comprehend one another, but had managed to find a common ground in the past few years.


The siblings with their spouses gather in Isaac and Ruby’s old bedroom.

Erica: “I can’t believe they’re both gone! And we don’t even have a way of contacting the twins to let them know…”

Peter: “Let’s try to look at the positive, all they’ve achieved! They’ve built so many houses around town, Newcrest really started to feel like an actual neighbourhood thanks to them. And dad managed to become chief of police at the same time! Not to mention mom’s legendary parties!

And what about the whole story about how dad literally brought mom back to life!”

Erica: “Oh Petey… That’s just a bed time story they told us when we were children. You can’t possibly still believe in that fairy tale!”

Lilah: “I do! In fact, I think I want to write a book about it!”

Daniel: “I think Isaac and Ruby would like that. I’ll fly a submarine in their honour!”


It was time for Erica and Daniel to go, Erica wanted time to grieve alone. She hugged her brother tightly – aside from Daniel and her children, he was the only family she had left.


Peter and Lilah were trying to cope with their loss in their own way (well, Lilah’s way) – through meditation. Except…


Lilah: “Augh! Peter… I think I’m in labour!”


Peter was so panicked he ran straight out of the door… what would his dad do in this situation? (The answer, Peter, is exactly the same thing as you. Every single birth.)


12 thoughts on “The Bloomer Legacy: 3.13 Just Kidding

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  1. Oh, poor Isaac. I really hoped he would be there long enough to meet Peter’s child 😦 Grim is such a jerk. I mean, two hours? 😀
    And Lilah! Pregnancy looks good on her. I like her new style – especially the outfit she wore to meditate. So very Lilah!


    1. I was so mad about Grim – what’s the point of sparing him if you’re going to come back within a couple of hours? *sigh*

      Nice to hear you’re liking Lilah’s new look – it’s a bit more mature but definitely still relaxed 🙂


  2. Double faceplants! And flying submarines! xD I know this chapter is supposed to be sad, but I can’t help but giggle. xD

    RIP, Isaac! Peter is right, you lived a long and fulfilled life together with sweet Ruby. ❤


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